Development Progress
Development History
  • 2000-2005
    2000-2005 Beginning With one car, two rooms, three persons, Besunyen was established, and its star products hit the market with a great success!
  • 2006-2010
    2006-2010 Rapid
    With rapid expansion, it was successfully listed in Hong Kong (HK00926) and became a brand for weight loss.
  • 2011-2015
    And Expansion
    2011-2015 Transformation
    And Expansion
    Explore e-commerce, focus on research and development, open up new business. New product series were launched with public praises, occupying more market shares.
  • 2016-2020
    2016-2020 Achieve
    The sales volume of weight loss drugs ranked No. 1 in the whole network, making the company leader in the digital marketing. It strengthened the foundation in the pharmaceutical industry, developed in the big health, integrated superior resources, and completed the big health ecosystem.
  • 2021年...
    2021年... Industrial
    It focused on the big health industry, strengthened research and development strength, actively planned new products and new business forms; it accelerated digital construction, improved the industrial chain, and strived to deepen the ecological system of the big health industry.
On September 26, 2000, Beijing Outsell Health Product Development Co., Ltd. was established.
Besunyen Moisturizing Tea was launched successfully, and the trademark registration certificate of “Besunyen and picture” was obtained in the same year.
Besunyen Diet Tea was successfully lacunhed.
The 100,000-level GMP clean workshop was officially put into use.
Sales of the two tea exceeded 100 million bags.
Besunyen was recognized as a high-tech enterprise.
The tea bag production equipment was introduced from Italy IMA Company and successfully put into production.
On September 29, 2012, the company was listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong with the stock code HK00926. In the same year, its subsidiary Beijing Tea Online E-Commerce Co., Ltd. was formally established.
The sales volume of Besunyen Moisturizing Tea exceeded 1.37 billion bags.
Besunyen won the “Top Ten Public Trust Brand of Chinese Health Products”, and launched herbal tea series in the same year.
The Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce recognized the registered trademark of “Besunyen and picture” as a well-known trademark.
Besunyen cooperated with Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to jointly launch Orlistat diet drug of Larlly brand.
It acquired 51% shares of Zhongshan Wanhan and Zhongshan Wanyuan respectively, and launched “Besunyen Orlistat” weight loss drugs, which was the key step to the pharmaceutical industry.
Besunyen was selected as a “Participating and Demonstration Research and Development Unit” and “Supporting Fund Investment and Research Unit” in the key project of “TCM Modernization Research” under the national key research and development plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
It created comprehensive innovation under the new economy, achieved the successful transformation from traditional channels to the Internet, and the total online sales on June 18 exceeded 110 million Yuan.
Qianrui Wanfu, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Besunyen, paid 31.99 million Yuan for the investment and transferred 100% equity of Xueyinghua, which became an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group.
Besunyen merged every 40 issued and unissued shares into one. The resolution of share merger was formally approved by the shareholders by voting. On April 19, 2022, the share merger took effect.
Besunyen shareholders were issued with two shares for every one share held at a subscription price of HK $1.75 per share. The share issue resolution was formally approved by the shareholders by voting. The shares were traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 25, 2022.