Suggestions for improving your immune system when A/H1N1 influenza strikes

The immune system consists of multiple components, which is an “army” throughout the body. Prevention before getting ill is the best method, so we should strengthen the immunity to resist the invasion of A/H1N1 influenza or other diseases. What can we do to enhance our immunity?

Keep your intestine healthy

About 70% immune cells are located in the intestine. Llewellyn Waters, author of the Immune Diet, recommends to eat probiotics and probiotic-rich foods. Foods rich in probiotics include apples, bananas, broccoli, garlic and more.

Maintain a moderate weight

Controlling your weight is to protect your immunity.

Balanced nutrition and proper exercise

Regular and quantitative three-meal with balanced diet of meat and vegetable, by which, we can absorb various nutrients and maintain the best immune function. The most important nutrients are protein, vitamin C and vitamin A, which are recommended to be properly supplemented.

Proper exercise can help promote the blood circulation, enhance the function of various organs, and thus to improve the immunity.

Adjust cicadian rhythm and avoid long-term stress

Getting enough sleep is important for the immunity, so is the sleeping time. Frequent staying up late can damage your immunity, and it’s known for all that the best time for sleeping is at 22:30.